Friday, December 3, 2010


I haven't written in awhile and thought I needed to write. I don't have much to say about the adoption so I thought I would just write down some things I am wondering about right now.

* Why do bad things always happen to people who seem to have the greatest faith and why do they come when other bad things are happening in your life?

* Why do I have to go through so much paperwork to be able to have a child to love? In my heart, I know the agency wants to make sure the child will be with a family that is loving and healthy but then how do those bad foster parents slip through the cracks? How does that happen? It is too much work to do if it is not something you truly want.

* Why does the weather in SC go from hot to cold in 24 hours? Can it pick a temperature and stay that way?

* Why does the heat in my classroom go out on the coldest days?

*How come talking to your mom seems to make everything better?

*Why do we find friends in unexpected places? I have found some great friends in a place where I did not expect to?

* Everyone loves cupcakes and funfetti is the best type of cake mix! It's just so FUN! Ha,Ha

* Can you believe Christmas is almost here? I can't believe I only have ten more days of school until break! WooHoo!

Sorry if my ponderings are a little down but it's been a week with some disappointments. Let me know what you all are pondering! I am interested to here anyone's thoughts.

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