Friday, December 17, 2010


For the past week I have been fostering two puppies. You thought I was going to say kids, didn't you? I have figured out thought that kids are very similar to puppies except that I won't have to take a baby outside to use the bathroom. These puppies whine when they are hungry/thirsty. They whine when they want to be held. They whine when they want to use the bathroom and then just whine to whine. They get me up before I am ready to and then sometimes they let me sleep in. What's up with that? The puppies are cute but I think I would much rather have a baby crying then a puppy. They both show love but a baby is what I want.

On the adoption front, I am having my first homestudy visit on the 30th of December. I am so excited! I talked with the social worker and she actually has a child in my friend's husband's class. It's nice to have something else to talk about. She seemed really nice and made me feel at ease on the phone. I hope that I feel that way when we meet at person. Please pray for a successful meeting.

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