Sunday, November 21, 2010

Book Reports!

This weekend I was told that I had to read two books about adoption. I was given one and was able to chose the other one. This will be part of passing my home study. The second book I chose was "Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother" by Jana Wolff.

This is a great book! It was a quick read but it hits all of the questions and thoughts that an adoptive mother may have with an open adoption. It discusses the feelings the adoptive mother has while waiting for the birth mother to give birth.

Will she decide to keep the baby after she seems him? Am I doing an injustice to a child if I am of a different race? What types of pictures to send the birth mom? Do you want the baby to look happy or just content? Will she want him back?

This is a book I would suggest to anyone who is thinking of adopting or who has adopted. I loved reading it and can say that I got a little teary eyed in some parts. If you want to borrow my copy let me know. You can go to to find books about adoption. It is a great sources for adoptive parents and has many books for kids about adoption.

1 comment:

The Via Colony said...

So glad you stopped by my blog. It's so good to hear of others going through the same feelings (and paperwork, ha!).

Look forward to keeping up with your journey as well:)