Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I went to an adoption support group today in Atlanta and enjoyed it so much. It was great to hear from people who are just starting like me to those who are matched and just waiting until they have their baby in their hands. Each person had a different story to tell and a lot of their anxieties are the same anxieties that I have. How great to meet with a bunch of people who are going through the same things that I am going through? It is so helpful to hear how they are dealing with all of the anxieties and feelings that go along with adoption. This group will definitely help as I go through the waiting.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Anxiety Meeting!

On Tuesday I am traveling to Atlanta for a meeting that the Independent Adoption Center is having on anxiety during the adoption process. I figured this would be a good meeting for me to attend because I am trying hard not to have anxiety about the process but it just keeps sneaking up and then WHAM! I am hit with it. ANXIETY! Hopefully this meeting will help me to keep perspective and not get to anxious and just remember all things will happen in God's time.